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Eastern Testimony

In the first years of the newly formed Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church, Aaron served as editor for their official publication, commonly referred to as The Testimony. During the five years while Aaron was the editor, the testimony went from 8 pages to 12 pages, most of which recorded the news of the fledgling conferring fellowship.

In these five years, Aaron wrote fifty editorials and articles. These are a lasting legacy that reflect how Aaron as well as the brothers who surrounded him met and overcame the challenges of their day. We can gain instruction and inspiration from their example.

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ANOINTING WITH OIL THE ORDINANCE FOR DIVINE HEALING In the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles we have the record of our Lord's unlimited Divine healing for "all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people." In I Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul refers several times to the "…
WASHING THE SAINTS' FEET THE ORDINANCE OF BROTHERHOOD ASSISTANCE The ordinance of Washing the Saints' Feet as instituted and commanded by our Lord in John 13:117, and referred to by the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 5:10 was something new in the religious life of God's children. In the Old Testament…
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THE BACHELOR WHO WAS MARRIED TWICE The title of this article is an apparent paradox. It has reference to the Apostle Paul's personal spiritual life and experience. In so far as the Biblical record goes we have nothing to indicate that the Apostle was ever married in a physical sense. For the…
LONG LIVE THE CHRISTIAN DAY SCHOOL This writer has lived long enough to see one wave of Elementary Christian Day School enthusiasm come and go within the Mennonite brotherhood. In the late nineteen-thirties and the early nineteen-forties Christian Day Schools were being brought to birth one after…