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Perilous Times Have Come

Perilous Times Have Come

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” 2 Timothy 3:1.

In the above quotation from Holy Writ it is declared that perilous times shall come. These words were given by divine inspiration in the wake of Christianity's initial impact upon the world. Now, nearly two thousand years later, we believe that the predicted perilous times have come.

Physically, we live in unparalleled dangerous days. Our modern means of swift transportation, which can be and in many ways is a blessing to us, is one of the greatest physical perils of America. On a poster at a service station recently my eyes fell on the caption "The deadliest war" under which there was information on the number of highway injuries and fatalities in one year. The figures were staggering. Three million, three hundred forty five thousand injuries and forty some thousand fatalities. In 1972 there were fifty-seven thousand highway fatalities. A little past the middle of last year the two millionth person's life was taken in America by highway accident. This is about twice the number of Americans killed in all her wars since the founding of the nation. While an occasional death or injury may be caused by mechanical failure, they are generally caused by sleepy, speeding, careless, irresponsible and drunken drivers. The drunks comprise two percent of the drivers and are responsible for fifty percent of the fatalities. High speed would perhaps rank second. It is interesting to note that since speed limits have been lowered fatalities have decreased.

At the time of this writing another peril looms over national industry and safety. Violence connected with the independent trucker’s strike has reached a point where, at least in parts of Pennsylvania, uninvolved truckers refuse to make necessary deliveries even under the protection of police escorts. “Fierce” men are throwing rocks through windshields and even shooting to death uncooperative truckers.

Since the beginning of the century, firearms in the hands of American civilians have been responsible through murders, suicides and accidents for seven hundred fifty thousand fatalities, more than those killed in all the American wars of the century.

The perils related to anarchy and crime are bad and increasing at an alarming rate. Burglaries, murders, armed robberies, aggravated assaults, stealing automobiles, stealing farm tractors and machinery, stealing livestock right out of the field, (in some cases butchering it first) etc. etc. is the bad news coming from every side. The duplicated violence of Noah’s day is upon us.

In spite of all the Nixon Kissinger strategic efforts toward world peace and their acclaimed achievements the two “superpowers” of the world continue to have their nuclear guns loaded with their triggers cocked and aimed directly at each other. Some time ago several of us had the privilege of meeting Colonel Rock, head of the man-power board of Pennsylvania, at which time we heard him say that the only immediate danger of United States war involvement is a direct conflict with Russia and that if that were to happen, such a war couldn’t last more than five (5) days. Then he added, “It’s a frightening thing to think about.” Yes, perilous times have come.

Following the text of this message the Apostle Paul lists a dozen and a half characteristic perils of the last days.

In addition to physical perils there are proper perspective perils, home and family life perils, meekness perils, proper affection perils, social perils, pure religion perils, etc., etc. All these perils are embodied and personified in men.

The deadliest spiritual peril comes through wicked men when they profess "a form of godliness" and then permeate the Church their ungodliness. Communism may be an example of this. The late J. Edgar Hoover said that Communism is "masking its face with a "program to infiltrate American religious groups." He further stated that the communists view the Church as the most effective organization they can work through to accomplish their wicked ends.

That "fierce" "unholy" and "high-minded" communism has taken on "a form of godliness and infiltrated the professed Church is hardly debatable. That the larger body of Mennonitism has been periled by their camouflaged peace emphasis seems also to be in evidence.

There are many safeguards against the perils of our day. A sincere desire to know and do the truth would perhaps head the list. Jesus taught that when we are willing to do His will we shall be able to know true doctrine. He declared that delusion comes to people receive not the love of the truth.

After listing the personified perils of the last days, the Apostle Paul gives another essential safeguard in the words "from such turn away.”

Since the increase of perilous men and the proliferation of perilous times are signs of the return of our Lord, a constant expectation of His coming is an added safeguard against, especially the spiritual perils that would bring wreckage to our souls and to our Church.

Finally, we can only be kept from spiritual perils by the power of God through faith unto salvation which is now ready to be revealed in the last times. This revelation will save us eternally from these perilous times that come.

– Aaron M. Shank

March 1974