Why all the doubleness in the world? Why has hypocrisy been a perennial human problem? Why do human beings settle for less than genuine? Why is the Church especially sensitive to charges of hypocrisy? Why do individuals wear masks? Why do not more people insist upon Wholeness/Oneness…
“I was too stubborn to believe [the facts of drift]. Today I have two children who are divorced and remarried. You have a beautiful family and I have nothing.”—Lancaster Conference man to Ivan Martin, Sr., years after the division In 1967, CBS News responded to a request by Goshen College…
In the waning days of 2019 a religious analysis gathered much attention in the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church camp. The well-crafted, sensitive, forty-one page paper was written in response to an Eastern bishop’s request for the reason so many solid Eastern families were leaving the Eastern…
Response to “Losing the Trust”Some time ago there appeared in several in-boxes a letter written to an Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite bishop attempting to explain why there may be in some cases a loss of trust in Eastern administration. Though that letter was the result of some…
Dale Heisey’s memories of Bro Aaron Shank1. The first time I remember meeting Bro. Aaron was at Numidia Bible School for a ministers' conference. I was a visiting preacher from a Franconia Conference congregation in Vermont. He asked me to write an article about the meeting for…