Eastern Testimony
In the first years of the newly formed Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church, Aaron served as editor for their official publication, commonly referred to as The Testimony. During the five years while Aaron was the editor, the testimony went from 8 pages to 12 pages, most of which recorded the news of the fledgling conferring fellowship.
In these five years, Aaron wrote fifty editorials and articles. These are a lasting legacy that reflect how Aaron as well as the brothers who surrounded him met and overcame the challenges of their day. We can gain instruction and inspiration from their example.
Not of WorksThe term “not of works” (Ephesians 2:9) and the phrase “Not by works of righteousness which we have done” (Titus 3:5) are often taken out of their proper context and made to say something they do not mean to be saying.Bible teachers have for centuries been using these Scripture…
Key 73 is another one of the many keys of the last half century opening the door to the great ecumenical Church structure of the last days. The following quotes will verify the statement:“After decades of going separate ways most of the denominations and Christian groups in the United States and…
Correspondence to the EditorA concern related to the editorial in our November issue on True Conscientious Objectorswas recently received through correspondence from the office of the MCC Peace Section. The following answer to this correspondence will give the reader the gist of the concern…
Dear Brother Aaron March 9, 1973I read with interest the article “Let's Pay Our Taxes” ...and would like to ask you a few questions. I believe that your article is well written and covers most every…
I. The original divine intention and divine ideal in marriage was the union of one man and one woman in a life long indissoluble bond.God made only one woman for a suitable and adequate companion (help meet) for the one lonely and inadequate man He had previously made. Genesis 2:20-25. Jesus…
In 1960 when the presidential race was between John F. Kennedy, a man of the Roman Catholic faith, and Richard M. Nixon, a man of the Quaker faith, a Mennonite brother (?) from Lancaster mailed a letter “to Mennonite leaders throughout the United States to urge support for Richard M. Nixon for the…
“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to…
“Of the making of new Bible versions there seems to be no end.” According to “Dateline Tomorrow” in the January 1973 issue of The Christian Herald there is a new “Common Bible” version which was slated for publication in England in January, 1973. It is said to have unprecedented endorsement by…
“And why call ye me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say?” (The Lord Jesus Christ).Already in Christ's time here on earth, and long before, and ever since there have been people who found some soul satisfaction and escapism from responsibility in a form of religion even if what they…
The term nonconformity is a Biblical term derived from the Scripture "be not conformed to this world" as found in Romans 12:2. The word conformed comes from the same Greek word that is translated "fashioning" in I Peter 1:14 where Peter tells Christians not to fashion themselves like they did when…