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"In the Beginning"

This issue of the Eastern Mennonite testimony is the beginning of a new paper the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite church plans to publish in the interest of the Christ and the Church it represents

The title of this article is a quotation of the first three words of the Book of God. God himself was not now just beginning, but He was beginning to take action on the decisions of the Triune Committee of eternity.

These words also represent the beginning of God’s publication of his activities and His never – dying message to mankind God wanted to share this information with His creatures and so He published a book.

Agewise, this message from God may be considered old because it has long ago been given to man. However, in character it is always young and fresh because that which cannot die cannot grow old either.

Since the beginning of the “very good” work of God recorded in Genesis 1, there have been many beginnings designed by God to accomplish His purposes in the world.

Following the failure of Adam’s sinful race and the destruction of the world of sinful man by the flood, God effected a new beginning with Noah and his family.

God found it necessary again to establish a new beginning in Abraham and called him out of his idolatrous environment to keep His remembrance and His mercy alive on the earth.

The Gospels are a record of another great new beginning. St. Mark calls it “the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Pentecost marked the beginning of a new experience in power given to man. Peter said, the Holy Ghost fell on them as on us “at the beginning.” Doubtless the 16th century Anabaptist testimony was another beginning in the good providence of God to bring light to the long night of a thousand years of religious corruption.

In this 20th century with the darkness of the end–time increasing in intensity may we humbly pray that on the “Eastern” horizon there may again be seen a new beginning that is directed and blessed of God for our day.

“In the beginning” of this publication as long as our Lord shall grant us mercy to continue its publication, it shall be our purpose to share the kind of testimony that will inspire the practice of that which is as old as the beginningless eternity, and just as fresh and young because truth is immortal.

Aaron M. Shank