The Things Which Become Sound Doctrine
is a book about a man of God who adorned the doctrine of Christ. Ultimately, it is our desire to bring all glory to our Lord Jesus. He alone is the One who is worthy of our praise.
It is fitting to give honor to whom honor is due. When a man lives a life of faith and spends his energies pushing back against the tide, then his life should be honored. Bro Aaron M Shank was such a man. His life spanned from February 5, 1915 to December 15, 2003. Before he was a teenager, Aaron began the practice of reading through the Bible and giving careful study to it. When he was ordained minister on October 12, 1941 at the age of 26, he preached from the wealth of knowledge he had gained from personal study and from listening to the Word preached. When Aaron was ordained bishop on July 4, 1957 at the age of 32, his administration also reflected a love for the Word. Aaron’s personal theme was “Sound Doctrine”. In his ministry of over 62 years his preaching and leadership reflected the heartthrob of the Gospel of Christ. Bro Aaron lived with the desire to be faithful in all things.
This website is a place where Aaron’s works are collected and made available for those who have an interest in his life, his messages and his writings. Like Abel of old, He “offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than” many of his contemporaries, “by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.” (Heb 11:4 AV)
These resources are being made available to any who want to know the truth and how it may be reflected in one’s personal life.